Desperate housewife

By lamemom - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Fredericton

Today, my friend saw a stamp on my hand and asked me which club I had gone to last night. I was so desperate to seem cool that I lied, instead of admitting it was actually from a children's play group that I took my kids to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 209
You deserved it 9 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey at least you are a committed parent! That's what you should be proud of rather than disgracing it with a lie! Be proud of your efforts!

The kiddie rave scene is pretty hardcore though


you should never be embarrassed or ashamed that you are spending time with your children. They are WAY more important than going out clubbing...and if your friends do not understand that, then maybe it's time for some new friends.

You are a parent. You will forever be uncool by default. Deal with it and move on.

doglover100 28

You are a great parent, you shouldn't be ashamed by it.

kids are more fun than a club. enjoy them now while they still want to be with you.

Looking for someone's stamp of approval?

KaitlynKalopsia 15

I think it's really cool that you take you're kids out to do fun things. My mom took me to everything (book fairs, clubs, tea parties) and I really enjoyed it growing up! You're a good mommy and I'm sure you're kids appreciate you going to their clubs rather than going out partying all night.

Think most people are right on this one. No shame in spending time with your kids. Personally, I'm not sure how I feel about a parent who leave their kids at home while they hit up a club at night.

I think you sounds cool for doing what you actually did. Maybe next time you'll have enough confidence to tell people how cool you actually are. Good luck.

Chasing after the young ones, weren't ya?

You have kids now. You have to be proud of being a different kind of cool. Not the kind you used to be, or that your friends might be.