Dirty mind

By FUCK YOU - 08/08/2014 21:29 - United States

Today, I put on a porno, trying to unwind after a bad day. Ten minutes in, I was so pissed off with the girl constantly repeating "You like that? Yeah?" and the cameraman's obsession with the guy's ass crack that I started yelling at the screen. Now I'm more stressed than ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 539
You deserved it 15 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were that angry over a guys ass crack, just watch lesbian ****?

I'm sorry OP, maybe you should just take a nap?


you are absolutely rite ! WTF is it with the camera man needing to zoom in on the dudes ass crack so much? and I also hate it when you can tell the chick is over acting , total jerk blocker lol, I hope tomorrow goes better : )

YDI for watching ****. Seriously. Bring on the downvotes, but I stand my case.

Damn, you know it's a bad day when you can't even manage to properly rub one out. I wouldn't have watched a 10 minute ****, myself. I mostly like compilations. Right to the good stuff without all the overly deep tongue kissing and 20 minute BJs.

That's what you get for watching pornoooo

Red_Eyes 3

I laughed because I envisioned times of when I got pissed off at ****

Pretty bad day when **** irritates you!

vividpictures 17
squarecircles 13

Maybe you just need to have a good poop.