
By zzyx - 22/09/2009 03:19 - United States

Today, there was a fire alarm in my dorm. Just as I was leaving my room, a lady in the hallway told me that it was a drill and they'd be inspecting rooms, so I would need to leave my door unlocked. When I came back, my room was trashed and my laptop, speakers, and jewelry were gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 673
You deserved it 16 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to assume she was lying and was the one who stole your stuff, right? I've never heard of inspections during fire drills... anyway, hopefully you remember what she looks like for a good police sketch.

That's a bit of a dumb thing to say on a website called '**** my life'...


akshar 0

Hell ya that was definitely her fault cuz they have keys to everyones room why the fk would they want u to leave it open.

CountDuk 5

May I ask you what the lady might have looked like? If she was your RA, I would think that you would know what she looked like... or am I wrong?

Yeah I agree. They would have the keys. Also, why the hell would they do an inspection during a fire drill...

srak 0

good thing you have insurance right?...right!?

derektrzos 0

in the dorms i have lived in you were told to leave your doors open during a fire drill as well. nothing ever got stolen but it was a very unconfrotable.

I would have been like "I call bullshit" and went back and locked my door if I already didn't do so.

you have a shyt load of stuff to learn about college! RAs have keys and by order of the fire marshal loc your door when you leave!

Yeahhh I'm pretty sure this wouldn't happen, because during fire drills there aren't normally random people in the hallways. In fact, even on normal days there aren't random people in dorms unless they're the maintenance people. There are cameras in the hallways so they would have been able to catch whoever it was... and not to mention.... if there is anyone left in the building after the fire drill, they would lose their job. If a normal person was left in there you risk being kicked out of housing. The fact that you don't say it was the janitor and you just say "a lady in the hallway" told you to leave your door unlocked.... yeahh I'm calling bullshit on this one. I've suffered through many a dormitory fire drill.