
By zzyx - 22/09/2009 03:19 - United States

Today, there was a fire alarm in my dorm. Just as I was leaving my room, a lady in the hallway told me that it was a drill and they'd be inspecting rooms, so I would need to leave my door unlocked. When I came back, my room was trashed and my laptop, speakers, and jewelry were gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 673
You deserved it 16 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to assume she was lying and was the one who stole your stuff, right? I've never heard of inspections during fire drills... anyway, hopefully you remember what she looks like for a good police sketch.

That's a bit of a dumb thing to say on a website called '**** my life'...


Figures that you're from Massachusetts. Try being smart.

ok but how the he'll are posting this?? without a computer!!!!!!!

dude, the op is in a DORM. as in AT A UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE. where they have things like COMPUTER LABS. dumbass

BeachPanda 0

if they were gonna have an official inspection, wouldnt they have a master key or a key for every room?

mylifesgay 0

ydi for believing some random lady in the hall =P

maxamus951852 3

i think most of you are missing the point.. i think the lady was legit, thats why OP believed her.. but somebody else in the dorms knew that ppl were gonna leave their doors unlocked so they went and stole some shit

Thats sucks i would make the school pay for it

Keep in mind that, if they were inspecting, they'd tell you most likely, and they'd have a key if it WAS locked. Just some stuff to think about.

You believed some random stranger...why?!? YDI for not having common sense.