
By zzyx - 22/09/2009 03:19 - United States

Today, there was a fire alarm in my dorm. Just as I was leaving my room, a lady in the hallway told me that it was a drill and they'd be inspecting rooms, so I would need to leave my door unlocked. When I came back, my room was trashed and my laptop, speakers, and jewelry were gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 673
You deserved it 16 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to assume she was lying and was the one who stole your stuff, right? I've never heard of inspections during fire drills... anyway, hopefully you remember what she looks like for a good police sketch.

That's a bit of a dumb thing to say on a website called '**** my life'...


this is like a FYL and YDI. FYL Cause your stuff was stolen and YDI for actually believing that someone inspects rooms during drills and they asked you to leave your door unlocked when you should know that inspectors have their own keys to go in your dorm.

MM23 0

Actually, I've gone to 2 colleges and at both of them they have inspected during fire drills. So, FYL for getting your stuff stolen.

igroomdogs 0

YDI, the college staff have access to master keys, which open every lock in the building. also for doing what some random told you.

YDI for being retarded. Would you also fall for the 'Wallet Inspector' coming up to you on the street?

zzyx 0

Actually, they really were doing room inspections, to make sure everyone had left/there were no fire hazards/whatever. The lady was wearing a facilities uniform. Maybe she was trying to make things easier on herself? IDK I have a sneaking suspicion that it *was* our RA who stole my stuff. He's a total douche.

Well, it still sucks for you. Does your university have cameras by any chance? Maybe they can help you with that.

sublime93 0

You don't deserve it, that really blows.

I'd recommend locking your door every time you leave the room. Anyone authorized to inspect your room will have access to a key.

at my university they tell us to lock our doors when we leave for that very reason. You were told wrong, and FYL for having your shit stolen. Though in the future, I'd say let your RA/RD tell you what to do instead of some random lady. (unless the lady you're referring to was in the RA)

who takes jewelry away to college? thats pretty dumb of you.

Exlibris 0

#44-I'm pretty sure you could find more girls on campus that did bring jewelry than didn't. That doesn't mean it's expensive jewelry, but you still wouldn't want it stolen. OP: That sucks, FYL. Now watch for your favorite necklace on your RA's girlfriend, who is no doubt the walking definition of syphilis. University: If you were actually telling students to leave their doors unlocked, you are idiots. You Deserve every word of bitching OP is going to give you.

YDI for being an idiot. Colleges tell you to lock your door when you leave. Period. Why would you ever listen to some "strange lady" anyway?