
By jsw029 - 26/02/2009 04:51 - United States

Today, I met a guy at a bar and we went back to my room. We start having sex and, about 30 seconds in, he stops and says it's not right - he likes me too much for a one night stand. He gives me his number, a kiss on the cheek, and leaves. It turns out that he'd already came. I called his phone - wrong number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 138
You deserved it 20 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabby1995pena 4


necomni 0

Wow, he sounds like he's done that several times before. Probably well-rehearsed and everything.

I applaud that man. That is freakin awesome haha

MackenzieB 0

Haha that sucks. What a dick.

lol @ you. don't be such a **** next time.

Had to register just to comment on this... Just cracking up at these hilarious comments like "Oh well at least if the sex was bad you won't need his #".... how do you people miss the part about him busting inside her? (I know that's part assumption part fact, but it's probably what happened) But even if you're on the pill, ******* random barstools no rubber is a surefire way of having an itchy cooch. ;)

inlimbo11 0

That's why you don't **** someone you just met in a're an idiot and a ****. congratulations.