Doggy dog world

By FidoForever - 20/06/2017 22:00

Today, my wife and I had to rush our dog to the vet for a $700 emergency surgery. The x-ray showed that he had eaten a vibrating cock ring. I've never bought or owned one, so now I've got to deal with the vet bill and lawyer's fees for my soon-to-be ex-wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 944
You deserved it 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As hard as this would be to explain you should give her one chance to try to explain, if it doesn't add up, take it all, nobody deserves to be cheated on

She COULD have been planning on surprising you with it to "spice up the bedroom," as it were.


whisperskeep 8

The dog could have found it on a walk outaide One of your kids own one You could be surprising you She could be cheating on you

independent minded 3

Oh, no! Here's hoping that your dog survives the surgery, and that he's okay. That's an awful lot of money to have to give to the vet emergency surgery, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Sorry that this took a toll on your marriage and that you also have to pay inflated lawyer fees, as a consequence of this whole thing.

$700 is actually on the lower end for pet surgeries. My cat swallowed a whole pipe cleaner which was stuck in his intestines in January. All the tests and surgery combined was $6700.

I guess I read this differently than everyone else. I took it that his wife was going to divorce him because she thinks he is the one cheating. Either way, it is possible that it belongs to neither of them if the dog goes outside at all. Someone could have tossed it into the yard or the dog may have snatched it up on a walk. When people walk their dog, they aren't always watching the dog the entire time. They look around, look at their phone, talk to someone, etc. Those things are pretty small and a dog could eat it in seconds. Hopefully the truth comes out and a marriage isn't destroyed.

norisorroz 28

Aw man, I feel so sorry for you.

What if she was using it on one of her toys? Maybe she's not a cheater.

bluebody3 12

That's such a shit reason to divorce her tho

That could have come from anywhere. dogs eat crazy shit all the time. He could have gotten into the trash outside. or if you use condoms sometimes one comes in the box. there are so many different ways you dog could have gotten into it. communicate with your wife before assuming the worst of her.

If im gonna cheat, i cheat with a great ****. why cheat with **** that needs a ring?! follow up OP please.