Doggy dog world

By FidoForever - 20/06/2017 22:00

Today, my wife and I had to rush our dog to the vet for a $700 emergency surgery. The x-ray showed that he had eaten a vibrating cock ring. I've never bought or owned one, so now I've got to deal with the vet bill and lawyer's fees for my soon-to-be ex-wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 944
You deserved it 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As hard as this would be to explain you should give her one chance to try to explain, if it doesn't add up, take it all, nobody deserves to be cheated on

She COULD have been planning on surprising you with it to "spice up the bedroom," as it were.


PainRikudo96 9

Maybe the reason your dog swallowing that is because he is trying to tell you something...

They do sell combo ***** **** ring packages at Walgreens maybe she was just using both at the same time to pleasuring herself and got distracted and forgot to put the smaller toy away. If not Dump Her!

Might want to talk to her first. I've gotten several free whenever I purchase an adult toy online. Sometimes you don't get to choose what the free gift is. And it's usually one of those rings.

Ouch, this actually really sucks. I'm sorry, dude.

OMG... could be solo performance with **** ring on rubber shlong.... And is it possible for the dog to have gotten it else where...

bigtwobah 6

You must be shaking with anger.

shepardkinz 19

You're all assuming he didn't have a conversation with his wife already....

We can only work with his details and if she admitted he skipped that part.

species4872 19

And the soon to be ex wife will get the dog no doubt.

Doze15951 5

Depends of the country. Maybe in america, but defenetly not in eastern europe.

Kind of jumping the gun here, either you left out loads of details or you have not considered any other options. 1) has the dog ever been outside? Even the backyard counts. It could be something a neighbour tossed out, something your dog found while playing in the park. 2) maybe your wife wanted to spice things up but never got to introducing it yet. 3) i am sure there can be another legitimate reason how the dog got it. Also it might be helpfull to find out the truth for yourself, if she cheated find out why. Cause if you always neglect your wife's needs it will happen again, to many people try to satisfy a partners material needs they forget the emotional or just plain physical needs.

cheshireau 26

God damn. While I don't condone cheating, is there a chance she brought it for you guys to use but hadn't told you? Just looking at possibilities.

Maybe she got it asa cheap easy to hide/take along pocket rocket, they are small and vibrate. Sometimes that is all she needs.