Don't do this to me

By backtosquareone - 04/10/2011 05:22 - Asia/Pacific Region

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. Devastated, he withered onto the floor into an inconsolable wreck in front of dozens of people. The ribbon of embarrassment that went down my spine was too much for me to handle, so I had to tell him I was "only joking." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 861
You deserved it 44 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes. That's why you should break up with someone in private

saIty 17

Operation make a scene in front of a crowd of people, to get girlfriend back, always works.


j3ebrules 13

1. Did you break up with him in front of a dozen people? B/c that would suck. 2. If you didn't, just stay away from him. If he's gonna act like a 4 year old, walk away.

chels1994 11

weill i mean if youre gonna do something like this is public, at least stand your ground. although, doing it in public to begin with is a horrible idea. now youre caught in the middle. good one.

funny_ppl 6

Wow, are you an idiot? You should've let him cry like that in front of the people and tried to walked away with no remorse on your shoulders and now you're stuck in that shit. YDI all the way.

metalcoremaster 4

Add me chels we got stuff to talk about

I would've just walked away and go home lol

But then there might be danger to OP if he's this emotionally unstable

If a girl started crying after a breakup, it would be understandable. Since it's a guy, though, he's emotionally unstable, right? That makes no sense.

Do it in private, thats just horrible. Now you're just leading him on..

Guarantee every person who said this person's life sucks...was either gay...or a girl.