Don't look!

By Garfield - 21/01/2016 04:41 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was starting to get freaky with my boyfriend when his dad came in with no warning to let the dog into my boyfriend's bedroom. His dad noticed what was going on and covered the dog's eyes instead of just leaving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 690
You deserved it 3 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's trying to preserve what little innocence was left in the puppy.

or when people knock and then enter immediately


I would be very upset the Dad didn't leave or cover his own eyes. Regardless of whether it is deemed okay for them to be 'getting freaky' in the parents' house, I think the Dad had no right to keep looking if they were undressed.

schreibergx93 19

'Cover your eyes Lassie!' Poor dog tbh.

YDI for getting freaky while his dad was home

nattlecakes 19

My bedroom door doesn't have a lock. Theirs may not have had one either.

Based on the use of the term "getting freaky," I assume you were trying some kinky stuff. Maybe he wanted to watch but didn't want to traumatize the dog.

dannnngthatsux 19
takeittoem 8

BF's Dad: "**** the dog's life!"