Don't mind me

By Anonymous - 16/04/2012 12:38 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I watched as my neighbor walked to my front lawn, looked me right in the eye, and pissed on my mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 009
You deserved it 3 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18
mduffy08 8


lamdat5r 10

That is when you get a full bladder and decide to water his lawn with sweet lemonade

ImSoEffedUp 10

U sat there and watched...? Didn't go out and kick his ass...? Who knows what he'll do next.... Please tell me u don't have kids and they know what happened....grow a pair, get a backbone.... I'm just saying OP... FYL....

LittleGreenPaola 23

This is so damn funny! He must have been mad about something. What have you done to him? And what did you do after his "gift"?

Ahhh Florida tough man neighborhood rite of passage. OP, did you pass, or forever Loser?

Isn't there a law against urinating in public? I know here in Ireland if the Gardai see someone doing this you can bet they get arrested, no excuse! It's Also indecent and if near families and children seen as sex offense, so ya, just wondering how this gets sorted.

R.P.P. Random Public Pissing Where the hell is that legal?

Florida apparently, honestly, America confuses and amazes me in many ways. Great country, no I mean that, no sarcasm

fiona_purple 3

And you "letter" do it?! Chortle...