Drive on

By uncool - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the only person to wish me a "Happy birthday" was the cop who'd pulled me over, as he handed me my ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 041
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was doing his job and being nice at the same time. :)


Happy belated birthday! Or whatever the expression is.

well happy birthday :) hope your day gets better....surprise party maybe??

lmaoatall 6

should have shown him your birthday suit. 9 out of 10 times it will get you AND the officer off.

TraceCase_ 19

In a sarcastic prick kinda way, or a genuine "Sorry I have to give you a ticket on your birthday, but what you did to get pulled over was really dumb" kinda way??? Either way, Happy Birthday, from another complete stranger!!!!

sweetangelgal 3

aw happy birthday sweety mwahz, many more years to come, XD

Devin91 20
EMT1020 0

haha this happened to me to in VA cops can be assholes

Yeah because I'm sure you didn't do it and you've never broke a traffic law before... poor thing, getting a ticket after the million other times you've probably got away with it or some other traffic infraction. I know I've broke my fair share so I think it's only fair when I get caught.

Cowgurl_94 0

Man that really sucks. :( well HAPPY B-DAY!!! :)