Drive on

By uncool - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the only person to wish me a "Happy birthday" was the cop who'd pulled me over, as he handed me my ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 041
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was doing his job and being nice at the same time. :)


Sammie_101 0

It was my birthday today too! Happy birthday :D

awww so sweet he gave you something for your birthday lol jk ... happy birthday 

cpatrick820 3

I got a ticket on my birthday this last year too. He didn't even wish me happy birthday...

misstamz 0

I think I saw this one before.

Yes. Because it's only happened one time.

Yes 57, I agree it could have happened more than once, but the odds of the fmls posted about having the exact same wording are slim

how considerate is that cop. I'm in love with him. :p

psycho2012 7

Its my birthday too and the.only one to say happy birthday was my son ad this chick.who has a crush on me. My girl didnt even.say happy birthday

sourgirl101 28

Maybe it's because you're psycho!

LOL! On people's birthdays, unless they're being complete dick heads I just give em a warning. Officer discretion though, I guess. Happy Birthday!