Drive on

By uncool - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the only person to wish me a "Happy birthday" was the cop who'd pulled me over, as he handed me my ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 041
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was doing his job and being nice at the same time. :)


happy birthdayyy :) best wishes from swizerland

Nakolover13 0

Make a facebook and add people you may or may not know and youll always get a happy birthday because someone is bound to see it and say happy birthday.

adur2000 0

Happy birthday! Did anyone else know?

jadenstigman 0

better than him saying it while he tasers u

sarahmbeth 0

I'm sorry! happy birthday! I found out today that neither of my parents have clue when my bday is!!

hey today is my birthday too and the only birthday message I got was from my mother asking us for money! Happy Birthday from a fellow birthday person!!!

Naruto11232 0

Thats horrible but funny as 13 and i had to remind everyone about my bday, even my parents.

ahh hope your day got better! happy b-day!

Happy Birthday. You got an un-present!