Fair warning

By Alwayshappens2me - 17/07/2009 23:09 - United States

Today, I learned that even when you put a sock on the door because you are having sex with your boyfriend, it doesn't mean your mom won't walk into your brand new apartment for a "surprise visit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 448
You deserved it 10 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amphysvena 11

actually, that's not true. i'm currently in college and the sign for having sex isn't a sock on the door. it's locking the damned thing.

And a sock on the door would help... how?


sheissoamaZING 0

I'm in college and I wasn't aware of the sock thing. I could have guessed what it meant but where I live people just use the locks.

lock your door to your own apartment like everyone else you fool

NELU_fml 0

U shouldn't have sex till ur married; ydi!

dramakat11 0

Wow, what a stupid idea. "Let's not see if we're sexually compatible before agreeing to be life partners." Brilliant.

winemysavior 4

i soo hope you're kidding haha. wait until marriage? you take sex too seriously. it should be enjoyed. no reason to put it on a pedestal. anyways..what ever happened to a good ol lock on the main door? did she have a key? oh well now she'll learn to announce her visits

ozymandias_fml 0

Why does your mother have keys?

a lock is stronger than a sock. YDI,

Megadeth_fml 0

that's why I put a tie on my door no one interrupts me

YDI for not locking your door/giving your mom a key to your apartment. FYL if you locked your door and your mom doesn't have the key.

I don't know if this has become very popular yet, but they now make doors with locks on them. Crazy, right?

i think a better representation would be a condom on the doorknob