Fight Club

By ronnieG - 16/07/2013 16:06 - United States - Decatur

Today, my wife and I were having a fight, when she grabbed my car keys and threw them over into the neighbors overgrown junk yard. My car is a restored '59 Belvedere and the keys can't be replaced. I've been looking for hours and I still can't find them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 697
You deserved it 8 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing more dangerous than a woman scorned!

wow shes crazy. make the bitch dig for them


Make her go out there and look for them. She shouldn't have thrown them away over a fight. I don't see why people resort to violence or doing something to someone's things. Chances are the fight is something that can be fixed. She needs to control her anger.

icepick23 12

As long as she is hot, forgive her,

nurchok 15

Sorry to hear that. I'd suggest throwing something else with about as much force (perhaps, ask her to do it), and watch where it lands... Hope you find it.

Yusomadbro_fml 4

Sell her most valuable stuff and pay some one to look for it

Do you have any idea how rare this car is? Finding parts, let alone a functioning ignition are impossible.

ironik69 31

I was thinking the same thing. If he has an old car like that, then I'm sure he has the extending magnet tool. Just walk slowly through the grass waving it back and forth.

fj19 9

Damn. She really ****** with you. Sorry, bro.