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Foot in mouth syndrome

By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my friend told me that her favourite aunt died last night of a heart attack. The first thing I could think of to say was, "Oh no, is she okay?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 217
You deserved it 40 774

Top comments

oh yeah she's okay, she is just busy being dead is all


Hey #40, I'm 15 as well, and we share the same interests. Wanna hook up

Chill dude, it's a joke. No need to get your panties in a bunch

No this is the Internet and how do we know your actually 15 rude one take that tampon out your ass first lmao

Take the **** out of your ass you little yeast infection

Wow I hope your comment gets moderated dickless asshole  wow your an idiot SMH

Learn some proper grammar and punctuation, then shove both up your asshole, you little shit.

Since you're both so hung-up on asses, try shoving some xanax up there instead and chill, guys.

every1luvsvag 10
YANKS2728 0

hey boys check out my profile if you want to "hook up;)"

notsoluckypup 12

God might ressurect her. Or she was just playing to trick you. OP, you may never know.

bravesfan112233 0
DivakiddOsz 5

lmfaooo I think it's a WIN there .

rrrmmmvvv 0

#1 ilove you are so gangster in your pic.

DrewSmooth 0

more like fhl. her aunt just died!

favorite aunt? would she have been less upset if it wasn't her favorite??

DeKidJT 0

^ these are the people I've been warned about not to talk to on the Internet.

Mysterious kid uses scare. Its super effective. Favorite aunt dies from heart attack.

She'll be back. Just wait for the Solanum to reanimate her.

Oh, you got me, Drew. I'm gay, but only for you. What do we do now? Run off to Massachusetts? Or do we run off to San Francisco where you become a wedding planner and I become a midwife?

I would like to say to lightsaber dude, you are a smart ass, and I love you :D

...or wish her back with the dragon balls

HU4L188 0

just tell her that u weren't thinking

I agree, by the way your username is awesome, hu4l

Radek18 0

HU!!!!!!!! listening to them right now!

they are a bunch of pep boys who wear masks and knock people up for a living

DalPozzo13 10
yougotapes 7

you have great listening skills....

it's a natural response out of nervousness I do it too. stuff happens.

yougotapes 7 said that to somebody...really??

she is going to meet the likes of Michael Jackson, Johnny Carson, Paul Newman, JFK.. etc. so ofcourse she is OK, as far as she doesn't catch the bus that is taking Hitler, Saddam and the likes of them.

cldean24 4

Almost blew up the world? mmhmmm... Where did you get that information?

cldean24 4

Do you have any idea what started the Cuban Missile Crisis? Oh, you know, we were helping retaliate the tyranny of Fidel Castro. And the Bay of Pigs invasion was a greater upset than the missile crisis. Your facts are very skewed, because the missile crisis was pretty much the soviet union threatening the U.S. and the U.S. bringing in nuclear weapons because the Soviet Union did it first. Then America got them to back the **** down. JFK just pissed off a bunch of people for not agreeing with the tyrant. In other words, the Soviet Union started it (it being nuclear warfare, but that doesn't sound as childish as I wanted it to).

cldean24 4

Oh absolutely, JFK wasn't a great president, he didn't have the time to be. He had two years to make some nice speeches that would "change the world" like every president does. He just didn't have the time to contradict himself or screw it up. I think, a lot of people like him cause he was our youngest president and died they just don't want to admit it. I really liked Nixon! He gets a lot of beef because of the watergate scandal and all :/ Eisenhower was a solid president. You should look into some recordings of Theodore Roosevelt, he sounds like a badass little chipmunk. I don't remember a lot about him though, his voice was too interesting to focus on much else. I should brush up on my presidential history, my knowledge is slowly fading into algorithms, calculus, and topology. I miss being well rounded :(