
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia

Today, as I put on my pajamas, a large spider ran down my leg. After freaking out, killing it, and recomposing myself, I went to the bathroom. As I sat down to go to the toilet, I looked up to see hundreds of baby spiders hanging over my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 169
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't of killed that spider, fear for your life, my friend. fear.

i saw that once when i was a kid. yeahh like 15 years ago. I used a staff to killed a big spider in my bathroom and thousands of baby spiders crawled out from her stomach. It freaked me out so I wet a cloth with gasoline and burned them all :D


alex_vik 0

Holy shit, why the **** is this site so shitty? I posted my comment 10 times and it still isn't up. As I said 7 hours ago, How'd I know this would be from Australia before I even checked the location?

clearly none of you have seen a spider egg sac hatch. "hundreds" is not overestimating. that applies all over the world; I learned it myself at age 7 in Virginia USA.

IllegalLight 0

oh no... you killed their mother ... poor orphan spiders :(

Holy Shit!! I have a phobia of bugs, especially Spiders! I, for example, would have had a heart attack if that happened to me. >.>

@ giganticbrain. What the hell? Are you like from a Bug/Spider version of PETA?!

Dear... GOD. I would have had a major panic attack, spiders scare the SHIT out of me.... I almost passed out when I was watching a Survivor episode and it had a FOOTBALL SIZED BALL OF SPIDERS ALL MOVING. WTF

I wouldn't have either. Iccck, this happens alot in summer where i live (same state as OP) No matter how much you clean the spiders just don't go away. @OP - Spray all the edges of the walls with insect spray and repeatedly do so for the next week or so. Its fairly effective.

i did that after i found the cat playing with funnel web spiders lol hate them ******* lol

The worsed of it is the rest of the kids are under the bed, in the closet and hidden behind the dashboard of your car, AND THEY ALL KNOW YOU MURDERED MOM!