
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia

Today, as I put on my pajamas, a large spider ran down my leg. After freaking out, killing it, and recomposing myself, I went to the bathroom. As I sat down to go to the toilet, I looked up to see hundreds of baby spiders hanging over my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 169
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't of killed that spider, fear for your life, my friend. fear.

i saw that once when i was a kid. yeahh like 15 years ago. I used a staff to killed a big spider in my bathroom and thousands of baby spiders crawled out from her stomach. It freaked me out so I wet a cloth with gasoline and burned them all :D


Well that's rather unusu- "Australia" Oh.

deanna_marie 0

OMG that is so f*cking disgusting.. That link to the daddy long leg spiders has my skin crawling.. eeeeewwwwwwww... FYL

Those who say why did the op kill the spider let's watch you try to catch it to release it outside while it gets up on it's back legs and hisses at you, that would be amusing.

Ugh fyl my skin is crawling just thinking about it. I was bitten by a spider, and I only found out like a day or two later because my foot was the size of my head.

omfg!!! now you've made me all paranoid about spiders in my room,bed etc!!! *shudder*

fbp6277 0

I know exactly how you feel. I have brown recluse spiders in my house and im terrified. I put on a shirt once and found one in it, since then I always shake out my clothes before putting them on. And there was one time when there was these really nasty looking baby spiders ALL OVER my bathroom. They were hanging from the toilet seat and were crawling all over the walls. Its seriously disgusting. Though I heard those things to plug into the wall work really good, im going to try to get some of those and hope they work.

galafael5814 0

OP, I completely sympathize with you. I am a severe the point where your FML is making my skin crawl and I just jumped and squeaked when a lock of my hair brushed my arm. The word spider is enough to freak me out. (To be fair, I'm not just a spiderphobe...I'm also terrified of scorpions and ticks. I don't discriminate against anything with 8 legs. They're all gross.) You are a stronger woman than I am, OP...without a doubt, that sight would've made me faint.

reminds me of that scene is Hellboy: Sword of Storms. lets hope the spiders don't spin a web sarcophagus around you will you sleep!

At least they weren't cockroaches. I'm not afraid of them, but they make me angry...haha. Everytime I see one walking around I think "'re dead bitch, you're ******* dead". I'd never forgive myself if I let them go...they're annoying as ****.

im not afraid of spiders..but if i saw that id scream and run..i wouldnt go back in the bathroom until someone killed them all for me