
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia

Today, as I put on my pajamas, a large spider ran down my leg. After freaking out, killing it, and recomposing myself, I went to the bathroom. As I sat down to go to the toilet, I looked up to see hundreds of baby spiders hanging over my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 169
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't of killed that spider, fear for your life, my friend. fear.

i saw that once when i was a kid. yeahh like 15 years ago. I used a staff to killed a big spider in my bathroom and thousands of baby spiders crawled out from her stomach. It freaked me out so I wet a cloth with gasoline and burned them all :D


a home does not need to be un clean to have spiders... This is the time for them.. you know they can crawl under doors and in via the vents, oh and floor drains and they even get a lift in on your clothes. I have one living in the corner on the roof now. he eats mozzies and flys that get in with the windows open :) OP... At least it wasnt one of our nasty, deadly spiders :)

dvd175 5

what happpened to comments 2-23? anyways, thats scary

evalynmohr 9

Who would randomly look up while on the toilet?

So apparantly you just stare at the wall like a retard?

RadeonDerp 24

Omfg! I have nothing to say but, EWWWWWW... 100000x FYL

alwaysalady 0

Every time I read something pertaining to spiders, I have a minor panic attack. If any of these scenarios ever happened to me, I would litterally die of fear. Even seeing a spider makes me shudder for the rest of the day

ohmygosh. I hate spiders! I would pee myself and call an exterminator ASAP!

I would have screamed my head off, ran out the front door, and not return until every single one of those buggers was dead and gone.

*shudder* The only thing worse than one big spider, is millions of teeny tiny ones.