
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia

Today, as I put on my pajamas, a large spider ran down my leg. After freaking out, killing it, and recomposing myself, I went to the bathroom. As I sat down to go to the toilet, I looked up to see hundreds of baby spiders hanging over my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 169
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't of killed that spider, fear for your life, my friend. fear.

i saw that once when i was a kid. yeahh like 15 years ago. I used a staff to killed a big spider in my bathroom and thousands of baby spiders crawled out from her stomach. It freaked me out so I wet a cloth with gasoline and burned them all :D


oh my gosh!! now i feel crawling all over now ugh i hate spiders and these not nice bugs [those weird ones not like ladybirds or butterflies] i would have freaked out screamed at the top of my lungs cried and ran out of the room to get someone to get rid of every single one

Ugh. I know how that feels - it happened when I was seven. Ah, Australia... :P

thingamajiga 5

I would normally say YDi or something, but dayum... FYL. I hope you got rid of them. I hope I never have to live in Australia :P

Did it look like this? or maybe this *Despite the link names, the pictures do not contain spiders, all arachnophobes should definitely have a look*

cucumberfabulous 7

I would ******* freak if I saw that...holy cow

Gingerly 0

I actually saw something like the first link when I was house-sitting. There were clusters of thousands of daddy long legs all over the ceiling. They looked like living toupées, it was pretty nasty.

If i saw any of those in real life i really would shit myself lol

LIESLIESLIES!!! I clicked that link and ran out of the room screaming DX

Damn I bet you shit yourself!! Good thing you were on the toilet!

Wow, that sucks.. Baby spiders infest my room every summer.. I hate them /:

how exactly does anyone vote ydi for something like this?