
By paranoid - 06/06/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, I was walking on a path through a park by myself. I glanced at the ground and saw a shadow behind me. Thinking of an attacker, I screamed as loud as I could and began flailing my arms to ward him off. Turns out, it was a jogger. He had to stop due to his uncontrollable laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 691
You deserved it 55 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is with all the paranoid women? If theres a shadow behind you it doesnt automatically mean that youre about to get raped.

Who the hell waves their arms to ward off an attacker? Are you dealing with a raccoon or a mugger here?


lyndis_fml 0

Why do women think every man is just tripping over himself to rape them? Women: YOU'RE NOT THAT HOT. Get over it. Maybe the guy on the bus is staring off into space thinking about his grocery list and you got in his way. Maybe you stupidly and inconsiderately walked in front of his camera while he was taking a picture OF HIS FAMILY. Maybe he was going for a jog and didn't give a damn about you until you started screaming and hitting him in the face.

NurseHolly 3

That was just ridiculous... Rape is not about how "hot" someone is... And terrible things DO happen to people all around the world. Her reaction was clearly unnecessary but that doesn't mean that women should make themselves available targets by completely ignoring their instincts.

#13 - Not all women think like that. I certainly don't. I'm quite sure there are some guys out there who think along the same lines.

heyyou1203 0

As a woman, I've had it drilled into my head by my parents, teachers, everyone, certain safety tips to avoid getting raped or mugged. Always take out your keys at least 100 feet before you get to you car or house. Always check the backseat of your car before you get into your car. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially at night and especially if alone. When at a party or bar, never let someone you don't know get you a drink. If they insist on getting you one then go with them and watch them make it. Never put a drink down then pick it back up again, take it to the bathroom if need be or get a new one. Men just don't have to deal with that. Sure they'll take precautions against getting mugged if they live in a big city, but how many men actually think there's a possibility that they could get raped on any given day? Unfortunately it happens more than we'd like to think, so for the OP to freak out about a quickly approaching shadow behind her is NOT bad. At least she only got laughed at and not something worse.

AntiChrist7 0

don't flatter yourself. you're too stupid to be attacked

heyyou1203 0

also, #13, being raped has NOTHING to do with how attractive you are or how you're dressed. More often than not, a rapist is someone the person knows. Otherwise, they tend to go for meek, shabbily dressed, unattractive women who aren't confident so that they won't put up as much of a fight. Rapists are cowards, so they're not going to go for the super models.

shiny16 0


apkil15 3

watch the language? Please?

162 you're on a website called FML standing for F my life and your going to start asking people to watch their language? Are you freaking kidding me?

PleaseSayTheBaby 0

#14 STFU. Women need to not leave the kitchen/laundry room.

YES! The last part of this fml made my day. Hilarious mental image

She wants to touch me, woo ooh. She wants to love me, woo ooh. She'll never leave me woo ooh, woo ooh, ooh ooh.

mehwhateverr 0

Uh, turn around before you freak out?