
By iheartnjdevils - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my landlord sent tree cutters to take down a tree in our front yard. I didn't realize their job included walking around the house and gratuitously staring at me through the window as I dressed. My boyfriend won't complain because he's afraid our rent will go up in retaliation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 915
You deserved it 8 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you are too stupid to close the damn blinds, then you have zero reason to complain

OP, you're making this sound a lot more difficult than it has to be. Go change in another room that doesn't face the tree cutters. Preferably a bathroom. Put up curtains, blinds, shades, etc. You could hang a damn blanket in front of the window. This can be easily solved, I don't understand why your life is ******. Also, why does your boyfriend have to complain for you? It's YOUR problem, YOU go complain. Does your boyfriend have to defend your honor or something?


Ninjafriends 1

Other than the fact that you have not discovered the modern inventions of drapes and blinds, your boyfriend is a major wimp. It's not your landlord peeping in on you, these are contractors. Where's the concern? And even if it was your landlord, have some self-respect and stand up for yourselves.

why the hell would he have to obey her?? if shes not happy she can call the damn landlord herself

GothKitty19 0

I agree.She can't just sit there and do shit.

Big deal. Show em some, make em boys happy.

Sounds like you purposely stayed in their view to 'test' your boyfriend later. Instigator!!

RosiePatosie 0

seriously, dump him if he cares about money more than your humiliation

Can't be too hard to humiliate if she likes to change in front of open windows.

spanelli 16

She may not have blinds/curtains. Her bedroom should be a private place for her, not a place where she has to worry about perverts watching her dress.

54 you're a moron. If a guy were to change in front of his open window, and he accidentally flashed some kids walking by, he could go to jail for indecent exposure, and potentially end up on a sex offender list. The double standard here is ridiculous. You are not 'entitled' to flash people out your open window just because it's your 'private space'. Standing in front of a window where people can see you infringes on their right not to have to check out your junk in public, and hardly meets the standard definition of privacy. Get a life.

She may not have blinds but if she has a bed she probably has blankets. I hope she can do the world a favor and show some creativity.

spanelli 16

107- You're a ******* idiot. I never said it was okay for her to change in front of a window because it's her private space. If her room is near the backyard area she shouldn't have to worry. If it's near the front and everyone can see her, no ******* shit she should cover the window with something. Also, it would only be indecent exposure if the man were in public flashing kids. Shut the **** up.

142, actually, you did imply that it was ok for her to change in front of an open window. But way to back-peddle and add conditions you insipid twit. I don't care if it's her front yard, her back yard, or a side window, I know you have trouble rationalizing but back windows, especially in apartment complexes can in fact face streets, walkways, and other apartment buildings. Herp derp. Your open window is not a 'private space.' OMG shocking, I know! How dare someone see you when you're standing in plane vision. I mean I guess if they were breaking and entering, past the moat, over the nine foot walls, without permission, maybe she'd have a reasonable expectation of privacy in an open window. But we don't live in lala land, so clear the shit between your ears and learn to rationalize.

spanelli 16

147- I never said or implied it was okay. I said it should be ber private place to feel comfortable. No, actually, you have the right to walk around naked in your house, it is illegal to spy on someone's bedroom. If someone saw you, you couldn't get in trouble for indecent exposure because they were the one's peeping. The most that could happen is the person who saw you would ask you to close the blinds before walking naked in your OWN house. Seriously, shut the **** up. I really hope someone peeps on you while you're dressing/showering, then calls the cops on your for indecent exposure.

You are a moron spanelli. It's obvious you were insinuating that she should be able to change in her bedroom in front of an open window without any worry, which you've repeated several times....the issue is that you think she shouldn't use common sense and go into a MORE secure and out of sight place to change. She should have done that or just gotten over the fact they saw her. I don't know about anyone else but I'm pretty aware of when people are working on my house or property and I act accordingly; that includes not changing or walking around naked in front of windows. It's hilarious how much some people will defend their completely idiotic posts.

You are a moron spanelli. It's obvious you were insinuating that she should be able to change in her bedroom in front of an open window without any worry, which you've repeated several times....the issue is that you think she shouldn't use common sense and go into a MORE secure and out of sight place to change. She should have done that or just gotten over the fact they saw her. I don't know about anyone else but I'm pretty aware of when people are working on my house or property and I act accordingly; that includes not changing or walking around naked in front of windows. It's hilarious how much some people will defend their completely idiotic posts.

Blacksabbath211 9

146- Because spanelli is an idiot on this particular thread.

13 is right. OP sort of DI. And #9, wtf.

YDI, assuming the place is in her name, she can talk to the landlord herself, doesnt need her bf to do it, and get some curtains / blinds...problem solved!

Exactly! Why is she waiting for her boyfriend to speak up? Does she need someone to voice an opinion for her? She has a mouth, use it. It's her complaint, and SHE should do something about it. But then again, if it she's too stupid to invest in some sort of covering for her windows or change in a different room, then she may be too stupid to do anything about the whole situation.

Hidan_fml 0

First off: YDI for not closing the damn blinds. Second: The guy seeing you naked probably will have little to nothing to do with the Landlord. Go to the police if you want, not the landlord. (I'm not exactly sure you can go to the police for that though.)

Yes, please, go to the cops, and tell them you were committing indecent exposure in front of an open window, where not only could the workers see you. but any random passing stranger or small child could get an eye-full too.

they can't do anything because she was un side her house

It wouldn't be indecent exposure since she is in her own house. Didn't you know that you're not supposed to look in peoples windows?? Curtains or not. I mean really?!

Oh really? So if my bf randomly decides to open our front windows and change where everyone can see his junk as they walk down the street, including old people, and kids, that magically doesn't count as indecent exposure just because he happens to be inside our house, and OMG how dare they accidentally look up and see some guy with his dick hanging out standing in front of our window. Seriously people?

ok... curtains? really? and if you can't afford curtains, nail a sheet up. you lose.

Irocafella 0

don't get dressed in front of a window dumy