
By iheartnjdevils - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my landlord sent tree cutters to take down a tree in our front yard. I didn't realize their job included walking around the house and gratuitously staring at me through the window as I dressed. My boyfriend won't complain because he's afraid our rent will go up in retaliation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 915
You deserved it 8 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you are too stupid to close the damn blinds, then you have zero reason to complain

OP, you're making this sound a lot more difficult than it has to be. Go change in another room that doesn't face the tree cutters. Preferably a bathroom. Put up curtains, blinds, shades, etc. You could hang a damn blanket in front of the window. This can be easily solved, I don't understand why your life is ******. Also, why does your boyfriend have to complain for you? It's YOUR problem, YOU go complain. Does your boyfriend have to defend your honor or something?


BellaGoBoom 6

No, blinds are the poor man's curtains. lmao just kidding, but no really.

Might work if the tree guys owned the place... Can't see them telling the landlord to give them a couple months of free rent. Pretty sure they wouldn't say shit and get paid.

ckjacques53198 0

Mini blinds, shades or curtains probably would have helped.

You know what would have helped prevent this? Not changing in front of a damn window. I understand that you didn't expect them to be in the back yard at all, but don't you have neighbors? Hobos? If you were a man, and your landlord had hired women (I don't know, gardening or something) or maliciously litigious men, you could be facing jail time for indecent exposure. Yes, even inside your house, if you're standing in front of an uncovered window. Cover the **** up, no one wants to see your stretch marks.

The tree cutters clearly thought different about that stretch marks..

FYI there are probably many female tree cutters and there is no reason why there shouldn't be, you sexist pig.

yeah i agree with any curtain or blinds remarks on here. It doesnt matter if your changing or whatever why let strangers look in your windows at all? you really cant bitch about it if you did nothing to stop it from happening.

where are the stretch mark comments coming from? true most women have them but? people are dicks

Either this happened quickly, you looked up and one of them were looking at you. Which could have been an accident. Or it happened "gratuitously" which, to me, implies that it went on for awhile, and leves me wondering why you didn't just close the window or go in the bathroom? Or hell, if you knew they were out there working, WHY you thought you should change in front of an open window in the first place. Sounds like some attention seeking behavior. What's wrong? Boyfriend not paying attention to you? Maybe your boyfriend doesn't want to complain because he knows how you are. Oh, and I'm assuming you're an adult, if you're really worried about it, woman up, and call his landlord yourself.

Ummm...don't get changed in front of them? Asking them not to look when they're on a ladder looking towards your window is liking asking a dog not to stare while you eat steak. It's in our nature. At least your not a fat chick that made them vomit when they saw u changing. THAT would be a FML

KaitlynxD 5