Free money glitch

By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 01:41 - United States

Today, I went to withdraw 200 dollars. At the ATM, I noticed a suspicious man standing really close to me. I was nervous about entering my pin number, and worried he was looking at my account information. In my panic, I got all the way home before realizing that I'd left the cash in the machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 596
You deserved it 83 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Guess it worked out for him. I don't see how you could get so nervous about something.. you completely forget it. Either way, FYL.

lol mayb that was his plan, to freak you out into forgetting your money


jennaleighhh 0

There are two things you could've done: 1) Told the guy to back off 2) Not taken money out ...really, now?

funny how you were so nervous about this guy robbing you, and yet you literally give him the money!

dont worry... the cash will probably be sent back to your account. the machine has detectors to see if you actually withdrew the cash... unless the guy took the money before the little sliding door closed.

Stupid people like you don't deserve those amounts of money anyways. You deserved it so much, it isn't even funny anymore...

walk out and try a different atm next time.

Oh yuck, that really sucks. I have done stupid things like that while I was nervous/scared about something. bless your heart.

fillmyheart028 0

hahahaha I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I think it totally made my day :D

Inkspell 2

you shoudlve asked him if he could please move so that you can enter your shat. (:

eastsidehippie 0

how can you forget money.... My bank's ATMs beep loudly until you take out the money