
By :$. - 06/07/2012 21:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came to a family barbecue. I guess my dad heard him talking about the "fun" we'd be having later, because over the next two hours, he tripped my boyfriend up on concrete, threw a beer can at him, and sprayed him full-force with a water hose. All "accidentally" of course. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 853
You deserved it 7 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

most dad's are overprotective OP, I have a feeling my dad would do the same thing -_-


Anai08 17

Ah, maybe the family barbecue (keyword: family) wasn't the best place to discuss that? It is a tad bit disrespectful, if not awkward given your accidentally overheard. Like in this case for example.

your dad obviously doesnt get the fact that your grown up sucks for your bf poor him

skullofdarkness 18

I wanna have a basement full of torture devices and weapons before having a daughter old enough to date, so I can... dissuade guys from doing such things with her....*le evil laugh*

babyguns143 5

Or he just doesn't like your boyfriend...

My grandpa chased my dad down their driveway with a shotgun when he found him and his daughter 'wrestling' in her room. After he told me that I mentioned that he didn't do his job right cuz my mom ended up having 5 kids by the guy.

How did your boyfriend bring up the "fun" you'd be having while at your family BBQ? Might want to let him know that your sexcapades aren't appropriate dinner conversation when chatting with your Cousin Suzy and Grandpa Joe.

Wait till you see what he'll do to him on purpose.

It's good to know that, like most fathers, your dad is protective of his "little girl". If your boyfriend ever hurts you, your father will "accidentally" go get his shotgun and wait outside of your bf's home.

jaytee1994 9

Good going daddy!!! :) at lest your dad cares for you! Maybe he showed it the wrong way, and he was out of line going to that existent but maybe he proved his point?

Full blast on a hose? Wow that's rough.not.what a pusssy

KiddNYC1O 20

You know, back then they use to torture people with something as simple as letting drops of water hit their foreheads for extended time.