Fuzzy memory

By Kreen - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I realized that mixing alcohol with my medication causes me to lose my memory. I went to see my favorite band in concert last night and I can't remember a single song they played. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 203
You deserved it 44 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it's pretty obvious alcohol and medication don't mix! It probably said it on the information on the medications package. You fully deserve it

Do they not say on the prescription not to drink with alchohol..Learn to ready buddy...YDI


Oh, I guess you did see on the label in bold print "do not mix with alcohol"..

GoW_Chick 14

It was the night you'll never remember... Next time heed the warning on the label, it's not just a suggestion, next time something far more worse could've happened like I don't know DEATH, I guess stupidity really is contagious, looks like it's time for my shots because it spreads like wildfire.

What a shame because concerts can be extremely expensive but you should have known that mixing alcohol and meds would be a bad idea. Totally YDI

Which is why almost all medications aren't supposed to be mixed with alcohol. Let hope you nothing else happened.

It's early. And the last sentence of my comment made zero sense.

GoW_Chick 14

It makes sense is you just add an 's' to 'let' and take out the 'you', so it already made some sense and really wasn't that bad, so no worries. *Internet hug* :)

GoW_Chick, you forgot to stay to also close one eye, turn the sentence upside down and hip bump it from side to side, then jump on it 3 times. That's how I passed reading when I first learned English. It's a secret trick ;)

I was pouring my morning coffee as I was crafting up my witty little snack of a comment, or lack there of. I appreciate the empathy. :))

Your medication isn't called roofies, is it?

If you can't remember the concert - you partied like a rock star.

Kreen_fml 0

Hahahaha! So much love. Maybe next time I'll skip the meds. Yeah, I deserve it.

GoW_Chick 14

... or you could skip the booze, but that would be your choice my friend. :)

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Or just not drink as much... I'm on painkillers and I still drink, but I now only have 1-3 drinks. Just be smart and don't drink like a lush.

I obviously don't know what type of painkillers you are being prescribed, but most aren't to be mixed with alcohol because the combination can induce liver failure.

I'm not sure why you are all assuming it's pain medication. If it's another type of medication, it can be even worse to mix with alcohol, depending on the med.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

@73 Most painkillers can cause liver damage when mixed with booze but that is a long term affect of constant heavy drinking not something that happens because of going out occasionally. I've asked my doctors about drinking while on them and they said "in moderation."