Get out

By Anonymous - 10/08/2014 17:24 - Germany - Würzburg

Today, my mother kicked me out of the house because her new boyfriend needs my room. Evidently he also needs my credit card, passport, and wallet too, because she kept all three, while tossing everything else out on the lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 231
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

report them to the police. Choosing a new boyfriend over her son, disgusting.


MrsFlowers 9

Wow, she really is a great parent. How can he even use some of those things? -__- Change the locks to her house while she's gone. Or you could steal her wallet.?

tingtingmeg 12

umm. why would he need your room. theyre boyfriend and girlfriend. wouldn't they be in the same room?

Wait till they charge something to the credit card then report it stolen to the police

sounds like identity theft. call the police and file a report.

You should talk to your mom, maybe it's the boyfriend not her.

#21, even if it IS OP's mom's boyfriend (hypothetically speaking) she should know better than to treat her son that way. That's just such a horrible thing in general to do, knowing that OP probably didn't do anything to provoke her actions.

She had no right to do that. Barge in and kick her out and her boyfriend, OP. Reclaim your thinngs too.

inner_peace 19

Doing that would burn OP's credit card, passport, and wallet. It would be counterproductive on his part to do that. That, and an arson charge wouldn't really help his cause.

Contact the police and find a friend's house to stay in. also call the credit card company and explain the situation. If the bitch and her man-**** wants a fight, they're going to get one.

I'm pretty sure you can report her to the police for doing that. At least for keeping your credit card, passport and wallet anyways.

Why does the boyfriend need a room? And that's your property...I'm sorry but that's so wrong.