Girl boss

By dating walter white's gf apparently - 06/04/2013 19:13 - United Kingdom

Today, while going down on my girlfriend, I finally managed to give her an orgasm. During that orgasm, she tore out a clump of my hair, causing me to scream in pain. She scowled and said, "Ah shut it, ya little bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 115
You deserved it 13 416

Same thing different taste


Shut up and and man up!! You did awesome!!

At least you gave her an ******, that should shut her up for 20 minutes!

Ok. The hair I could overlook as her being zealous and emotional. But the comment...Time to start fishing in newer waters before you end up face down in a gimp suit...

Okay..... The hair she should have apologised for! When us people ****** they become somewhat unable to control themselves, I judder a little and become hella noisy, so maybe hair grabbing is her thing but that's waaaaay too rough! The comment after? Total uncalled for. Get that bitch to apologise.

needsagf14 12

I hope you mean the hair on your head

perdix 29

You do need to shut it. When you're doing it right, you'll be clawed, scratched, pinched, scraped and grabbed so roughly you'll want to cry. If you cannot handle that, go asexual or trade her in for a girl who fakes orgasms.

tj5810 21

The best comment from Perdix I've ever seen, even though there's been some great contenders. :)

surfergirl72 7

#58 knows how to please a woman

Obey_StudBoii 23

Lol she's a little fiesty and aggressive. You got yourself a nympho there OP.

He'd be pretty unlucky in that case, I think the FML would be about dick pain, cheating, or therapy. She's just super kinky, which is far better.