Gotta have it

By kp. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I found ants all over my chocolate, but I'm so addicted that I just wiped them off and ate it anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 990
You deserved it 59 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well, I never heard of ants carrying any type of diseases. I'm sure the OP will be fine. I once ate a lollipop that had a scorpion in it and thought it was the coolest thing. But, yeah, I guess this is not the same thing.

BrianAlarcon 0

How did this manage to be posted on "fml"?

that's not an addiction. that's just being fat.

YDI that's so gross.. Get help.. Before you get yourself sick.

That's just taking it to far.. Should of just went to the store and bought more.

Poor thing. You need to get some help.

Sounds like u have a food/choco addiction

Eww what the hell? And why are you posting this here if you could have prevented it? It's retarded when people complain about things they do to themselves ._.