Gotta have it

By kp. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I found ants all over my chocolate, but I'm so addicted that I just wiped them off and ate it anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 990
You deserved it 59 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ants? Do you keep your chocolate on the floor or something? :P

Ants can get on counters and in cabinets. Doesn't mean her chocolate was on the floor.

mj_ok 9

Aww man! It's ok, I've seen worst:(

Nothing wrong with a bit of protein on your chocolate bar. Clearly the others don't watch grylls :)

They actually sell chocolate covered ants... Ehh not that big of a deal.

alannah1988 4

Did you forget the 3 seconds rule??

Everyone talking about the 3 second rule is stupid... It didn't say he dropped it and then picked it back up right away and found ants on it... The fml suggest that it was laying somewhere for a significant period of time making it even more gross

Kristoffer 35

No big deal. It's not common knowledge but ants are pretty clean insects. It may seem gross, but it's not like you're gonna catch something from an ant. Flies are a different story, they readily transmit all sorts of human disease.