Gotta have it

By kp. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I found ants all over my chocolate, but I'm so addicted that I just wiped them off and ate it anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 990
You deserved it 59 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Suppose it's no diff than chocolate covered ants. I'm just sayin!

Ant covered chocolate is delicacy in some cultures.

You're not addicted, you just have poor hygiene. Though I can't say anything bad will come of it.

my2centsworth 15

Chocolate covered ants. You're doing it wrong.

well ants are pure protein and in some countries they eat bugs. stiff gross though

MarjoCupcake 11

You could have rised it off with HOT water and made HOT chocolate with ants, yum! :O LOL JK, go buy a new one, fatty.

Seriously it's not that bad. I guess it depends how long the chocolate has been sitting out and how many ants were on it. But if it was just a few ants I'd say it'd be wasteful to throw it out.

Wtf is with u guys they are just ants. I suggest u guys never come to Australia else u will be crying

This is the new generic brand of a crunch bar :D