Great conversation starter

By balkangirl94 - 23/12/2011 07:42 - United States

Today, a guy tried to seduce me by talking about incest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 494
You deserved it 3 738

Same thing different taste


zuzupetalsYO 11
AlaskanEskimo34 0

He likes to keep it in the family.

Xx_Dakota_xX 1
Zora55 2

Well if you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family

Why would having relations with your sibling be the first thing you think about while flirting? How does that thought even come into play in your head? //TrapAvoided

shaggy8778 4

Is gay incest worse than regular incest??? Think about it...

fdeg4161 13

Adam and eve. He made a biblical reference