Happy Birthday

By Anonymous - 30/01/2013 22:50 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I spent most of my daughter's 8th birthday with her in the hospital while her broken arm was put in a cast. Apparently, my son had told her that some people gained the ability to fly on their 8th birthday before encouraging her to find out by jumping off the slippery slide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 877
You deserved it 2 501

Same thing different taste


Your son will be ok. Your daughter on the other hand...she has a lot to learn.

Ah, older brothers. They are so silly sometimes.

you're son is a jerk and your daughter is a moron. when I was that young I knew that nobody flies EVER.

KiddNYC1O 20
Levee44 9

Is your daughter mentally challenged?

jaystreet46 4

Oh the slippery slide of self-abuse. Wtf is a slippery slide? Is it better than a regular slide?

Hope the girl is all right, OP. And that her shitty brother has to do all HER chores too, until her arm fully heals.

"Here, y'all hold my juice box and watch this"

Bludmagnus 13

That is a boy who deserves to be grounded till he graduates college...