
By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 23:02 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. My parents got me a box of cupcakes. My brother got me a deck of cards. My aunt got me a brochure on how to quit smoking. I have diabetes, I don't play cards, and I don't smoke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 379
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste


Quyzl 0

Learn to play card games. (on motorcycles).

Eat the cupcakes, lose your foot. Start smoking, lose your lungs. Become a card playing robot.

EmoOrange 0

Well maybe it was sugar free cupcakes, a collectable (expensive) deck of cards, and for you to think twice before ever wanting to smoking. :) if not it's the thought that counts.

if you have type 1 diabetes, you're still allowed to eat sweets, just give yourself some extra insulin, dumbass. Always have a deck of cards in your bag. You never know when you may have 30 minutes to kill, and your phone is dead. I got nothin' for the smoking stuff, that's just weird :-)

gum33b34r 0

thanks for the concern, but my pump is weird so I can't do extra insulin and my parents don't consider that.

DakotaCat 4

I understand the cupcakes and quit smoking brochure, but atleast appreciate the cards!

here's hoping my 21st tomorrow will be better :/

GangstaGalahleio 0

ah just pretend you like it. it's the thought that counts even though it mention nothing to you.