How the turntables…
By You gotta be kidding me - 25/12/2023 09:00 - United States
By You gotta be kidding me - 25/12/2023 09:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/10/2023 15:00
By Laura - 12/12/2022 12:00
By leogs23 - 26/01/2021 10:59
By MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain - 30/03/2016 05:24 - Canada - Guelph
By Anonymous - 06/04/2022 10:00
By Xyanthe - 18/03/2023 00:00
By Frany - 10/01/2023 22:00
By Bliggins - 28/11/2012 03:08 - Canada - Winnipeg
By Anonymous - 20/04/2024 05:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/11/2021 08:01
She has that legal right. You may not like Trump, but she does, and it’s her legal right to vote for him if she wants
MAGA 2024!
The comments so far show the intelligence of the average Trump supporter so well. "very few countries have that right"? Uh, all developed first world nations do, most of them are doing better than us because their people are collectively smart enough not to elect someone like Trump, and Trump has demonstrated that he poses a serious threat to that right. "that's her legal right"? no shit Sherlock. I love how often conservatives miss the point and pompously try to give us all basic civics lessons that absolutely nobody needs. Wow, you mean he can't have her arrested for it? Get out, mind blown! People have the legal right to do all kinds of stupid and self destructive things. that doesn't make them any less stupid or self destructive.
I'm not conservative at all nor would I vote for trump but I can tell you are pompous and far left just by the wY you put down people in your comment. this is why i don't take any side the left or the right because of idiots like you that need their safe space lol. get over yourself
OP, let me get this straight - Was the only reason your wife married you to get a green card? That's got to sting if that's the case... And of course it's immigration fraud... All adult US citizens get to vote, no matter how dumb they are to support someone who would deport her ass with glee - Except of course for his own wife...
Your wife is a bootlicker. She’s only bootlicking Trump because she has papers. If she was still undocumented Trump would deport her in a heartbeat. It’s astounding how she turns her back on her people like that. Immigrants for Trump is like Roaches for Raid or Chickens for KFC. how disgusting
The comments so far show the intelligence of the average Trump supporter so well. "very few countries have that right"? Uh, all developed first world nations do, most of them are doing better than us because their people are collectively smart enough not to elect someone like Trump, and Trump has demonstrated that he poses a serious threat to that right. "that's her legal right"? no shit Sherlock. I love how often conservatives miss the point and pompously try to give us all basic civics lessons that absolutely nobody needs. Wow, you mean he can't have her arrested for it? Get out, mind blown! People have the legal right to do all kinds of stupid and self destructive things. that doesn't make them any less stupid or self destructive.
Your wife is a bootlicker. She’s only bootlicking Trump because she has papers. If she was still undocumented Trump would deport her in a heartbeat. It’s astounding how she turns her back on her people like that. Immigrants for Trump is like Roaches for Raid or Chickens for KFC. how disgusting