I love travelling

By Anonymous - 06/07/2012 16:04 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, as always, I have a very weak stomach. I'm in Japan right now, and all the unfamiliar foods set me off every time I eat. I can choose between having a great time and starving myself half to death, or sitting in my hotel room all day with stomach pains and diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 815
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Split the difference. Eat some rice and have a nice time :)

JustDerpin 11

Find a McDonalds. Problem solved. c:



It's all in your head OP. Your anxiety is causing the *****. Try taking a chill-pill and enjoying life. If that fails, I recommend Pepto.

coolbrony12 3

Take an antacid such as tums or even peptobismol. Have a good rest of your time in china! (or at least try)

kaylanicole1695 12

I'm sure you can find American food if you look hard enough... if not I'm sure you can eat some plain rice or something. not very f flavorful but at least you wouldn't be starving

That sucks man. Just try to stay away from the stuff u can't read.:)

Eat some mcdonald's they are everywhere

mad_hatter0666 22

Japan has other restaurants. If you are used to western food, they have western restaurants.

Well looks like you wanna have a great time