I'm not, but…

By Queerbait - 05/11/2015 06:52 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend's mother insisted she's not homophobic, but however people only 'turn gay' because they were sexually abused, or are 'making it up to get attention'. She informed me I'm the former and my girlfriend is the latter. Uh huh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 840
You deserved it 2 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not seeing an issue here. Also, bisexuals were only half abused or only want half attention, and asexuals either had invisible parents or have the ability to control electricity. Simple human sexuality, OP.

You should both remove her from your lives lickety split.


VoodooPriestess 16

Just pat your mother on the head every time you see her. Say nothing. Just pat.

kewpiesuicide 29

My mom didn't believe that I was a lesbian for 4 years. They eventually get used to it

Well, she doesn't appear to be homophobic, true. Ignorant, on the other hand...

So actual question to end the nurture vs nature debate...has there ever been a study done on this so that we can go "see, hard evidence it's ___?" If so, please reply with a link