I'm not okay

By butterbody - 23/03/2014 23:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a coffee shop. As I headed over to stand in line, I tripped over my own feet. I got back up, then tripped up yet again. Everyone was staring, and I was so mortified that I went to leave. I then struggled with the door under their glares before realising it opened the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 027
You deserved it 6 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

staychill 16

Everyone has 'those' days OP where nothing goes right! Just forget about it and move on. Tomorrows a new day!

I don't understand why they'd be glaring at you.


So? Forget those people. You deserve to get some coffee.

bluefrootloops 13

Everybody trips OP, sometimes people even die tripping. At least a TV didn't crush you to death when you were six. Maybe this is a sign to start making coffee at home or you could stand up for yourself.

Even presidents have these moments. Remember George W. Bush when he did the door thing.

comparing op to George w us not what he needs right now :p

CountWest 6

Why would people be glaring??

Capitan 15

Kind of day you just need to stay home.

olpally 32

Haha that's not so bad. Just try another time.

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ruthi666 23

Good news: today has been canceled, you can go back to bed. :)