In transit

By Kens - 20/05/2009 00:51 - Canada

Today, I was on the bus home and on the phone with my best friend discussing my sex life with this new guy I'm seeing. I was telling her all sorts of raunchy sex things we've done until someone taps my shoulder and says "I'm sure he doesn't appreciate you saying this in public." It was his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 361
You deserved it 107 121

Same thing different taste

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What kind of attention ***** discusses raunchy details of their sex life on the bus, loud enough for others to hear, anyway?

offmycloud 0

Eww. You're THAT person on the bus, who talks about the dumbest, most disgusting things as loud as you can. You totally deserve it.


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I admit most FML commenters say "YDI" but if it happened to them they'd hate it too. But this...she deserved it. Talking about your raunchy sex life with your new boyfriend on the phone with your friend on a public bus? People can hear her. Imagine if you were bussing it to work and some obnoxious loud girl on the bus was chatting about her kinky sex life. Ew. **** her mother's and boyfriend's life if anything, he has a girlfriend who talks about personal things in public and his mother has a son with a horrible taste in girlfriends.

nonynony 0

YDI. Even if it HADN'T been his mom. Strangers don't want to hear the details of your sex life; please grow up.

In future keep it to yourself :) YDI! Nobody wants to know that dirty crap

Why doesn't she have a car? And dude, if you're gonna talk about shit like that, at least do it via text. Then no one else has to hear about it.

gotta play it like someone you don't wanna hear is gonna be there listening, meaning keep it between you and your friend, not the public. you obviously didn't do that, therefore YDI. next time use your indoor voice.

Seriously, just wait until you get home, there are so many people that could be on the bus listening to your conversations that you dont want to. Like your bio teacher, little kids, boss, anyone who could ever possibly need to take a bus!! You're really kind of a dumbfuck. And if you're bragging about your sex life in public so loudly, you must not do it that much, or you wouldn't care that much

Sex talks.. are ment for private.. not for the whole friggen world to hear..... Good grief what if kids heard you... bad enough his mom... YDI

Maybe talk about it at home...on the bus is just asking for trouble. Nobody really wants to hear that.

Eww wtf?! Why WOULD you be loudly discussing things like that in public? Especially when you're on the phone. NO ONE needs or wants to hear it, or other peoples loud phone convos in probably sound insanely obnoxious and show-offish and don't give a damn that everyone's mad at you because you'll never see them again and you're talking to your bff. Why would anyone else matter? Kids, parents, they can all listen. So yeah, you could have avoided his mom hearing any of that, even if you didn't even know she was his mom, by not having a loud conversation in public about your sex life. You deserve this 100%.

**** your speech no one wants to read an essay here so go away ...

MichelleSoFlyy 0

Why would you even tell anyone all of your sex stuff with someone? You were asking for it. Doesnt anybody want to hear that stuff.. keep it to yourself