In transit

By Kens - 20/05/2009 00:51 - Canada

Today, I was on the bus home and on the phone with my best friend discussing my sex life with this new guy I'm seeing. I was telling her all sorts of raunchy sex things we've done until someone taps my shoulder and says "I'm sure he doesn't appreciate you saying this in public." It was his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 361
You deserved it 107 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of attention ***** discusses raunchy details of their sex life on the bus, loud enough for others to hear, anyway?

offmycloud 0

Eww. You're THAT person on the bus, who talks about the dumbest, most disgusting things as loud as you can. You totally deserve it.


I hope his mom will tell him everything... YDI

People like you piss me off beyond belief. Nobody wants to hear your slutty stories. In a public place? Seriously, just **** off.

then don't listen, but I agree with you I hate it especially when they're so loud

LOL dumbass. You deserve that for sure. No one wants to hear that.

wow on a bus? YDI, nobody wants to hear that! especially his mom!

In the name of all the people who ride buses on a daily basis, please stop talking about your sex life while on a bus. Nobody wants to hear it, and some common courtesy really wouldn't hurt here.

I love smart mothers. Didn't yours teach you not to kiss and tell? What happens behind closed doors should stay there, unless you're behind other closed doors with your girlfriend. No need to share anything that private on a phone or computer.

Today, my mom called and told me that my girlfriend was bragging about our sex life in public. Not only that, but she called me again to inform me that my girlfriend had posted that story on fmylife. FML.

randomsloth 0

totally agree with #1 that's super rude and again its just you being an attention ***** and just a *****

RottenKid 0

honestly, you don't deserve it. I mean how were you supposed to know whe was on the bus.

Nobody wants to hear that shit. And now your boyfriend's mother thinks you're a *****.