Inappropriate, honey

By Jessica - 15/05/2009 00:03 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old daughter walked in on my husband and I getting it on. Now she won't stop "pretending to be daddy" against items of furniture. We have guests coming round in three hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 111
You deserved it 47 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O my god, **** your life indeed, how are you going to explain that to your guests. It's kind of funny, though *giggles*

What the ****? **** your life? What about your childs life who had to witness that. She's probably to young to realize what it really was, but man I'd have to cut out my eyes if that happened to me.


Oh dear. I suggest you invest in some locks for your bedroom and try to have a talk with your daughter. I can't imagine you trying to explain to your guests about your daughter if she does it in front of them. This reminds me of another FML where the girl's mother starts telling her boyfriend about when she was in kindergarten, she'd pleasure herself in class and the mom was asked to watch her during school to try and get her to stop. I'm wondering why she was trying to be daddy instead of mommy though...

astarwarsfan 0

how would you be mommy with inanimate objects?

#4 I couldn't have said it better myself :)

Cheatx 0

This sounds like my Spanish teacher way back in middle school. Every time she would talk to us, she would go up to one of the desks in the front, and lean in on the corner. Everyone was so scared when we had seating rearrangements...

You should really work on locking your door...

#4 +1 On an entirely different note, your daughther doing this would make one hell of a youtube funny vid! (but don't! seriously don't)

Tell your daughter to hit me up in 12 years. She sounds like a freaky chick.

besties06 0

wow. how old are you dude?

#5 - are you somehow implying that she is scarred for life for simply seeing her parents have sex accidentally and just once? She's 6. If they're good parents, they'll explain to her in terms she can understand.

On a grammatical point, in this instance it is correct to say, 'my six year old daughter walked in on my husband and ME having sex.' A good way of telling when to use 'me' and when to use 'I' is to try forming the sentence in the singular and seeing which one sounds right. In this instance saying, 'my six year old daughter walked in on I having sex' sounds very odd. For me the transmission of hyper-correct grammar to your daughter is likely to be the primary trauma she suffers from this incident ;)

And hey--look on the bright side--at least you weren't doing something really perverted.

............................. and sex isnt?

I haven't said this in a while... THIS is a FML! =D Oh yeah good luck trying to calm down Banger McGee before your guests come, because that would be *****-ible (see what I did thar, no?). Good luck!