Inappropriate, honey

By Jessica - 15/05/2009 00:03 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old daughter walked in on my husband and I getting it on. Now she won't stop "pretending to be daddy" against items of furniture. We have guests coming round in three hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 111
You deserved it 47 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O my god, **** your life indeed, how are you going to explain that to your guests. It's kind of funny, though *giggles*

What the ****? **** your life? What about your childs life who had to witness that. She's probably to young to realize what it really was, but man I'd have to cut out my eyes if that happened to me.


How can that be a ydi? hey parents have sex... people who dislike that... um, get over it. :-)

At 6, they have the beginnings of the ability to listen to common sense. Talk to her about what she saw, don't be a parent who just doesn't bother.

Threating you daughter and say " If you don't stop doing that, we will take all of toy away" or something like that...but then again if you do that she will probably still be "DADDY" against the furniture...

GoMeat4103 0

18. This isn't SAT prep. Therefore, nobody cares. Grammar isn't as important when you're being colloquial. Until people got uptight and annoying, grammar and spelling didn't matter. OP: tell her if she does that she can't have dessert. Bam.

I could satisfy her so she wouldn't have to do it with the furnitures.

Luneth101 0

You ******* pedo, she's just six years old! Get a life, and a girlfriend your own age! Not that anyone would want to go out with you!

That's hilarious! I couldn't imagine being one of those guest: "Excuse me, Miss, buuuut... what is your child doing?"

wildcherrybanana 2

lol. i feel bad for you. and your daughter, she'll find out someday, when she's fifteen or sixteen, she saw you and your husband having sex. she'll freak. but she'll be glad it was when she was younger. i never ever saw my parents doing that. and i'm sixteen. and glad as ****. good luck with her...xD

@ 47: ...Gross. and illegal. I walked in on mine... twice. Just happened to be coming home from school at the wrong time. I've been walked (broken) in on once, by a friend. With the door locked. Both cases, extremely awkward. Too funny for you though :)

BatgirlZKE 5

That's pretty much your fault, YDI for not considering the possibility that if your daughter's in the house and awake, she could easily walk in. Good luck with your guests though ;)