Independance, now!

By Kye Hooper - 12/10/2023 06:02 - Australia - Perth

Today, I found out that my partner doesn't ever want sex from me again. I'm too broke to leave her, so I guess my sex life is over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 477
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's probably why she doesn't want sex from you anymore... she smartened up and realized you were just using her for money.

49_Donuts 13

Maybe now is the time to try and start a career? Or at least find a job to focus your energy?


DirtySalamander 9

if you weren't financially stable why be with a partner?

Yes, until Fate decides it's time to give you enough money to purchase a lot of sex.

that's probably why she doesn't want sex from you anymore... she smartened up and realized you were just using her for money.

49_Donuts 13

Maybe now is the time to try and start a career? Or at least find a job to focus your energy?

That’s why you need a job and your own income… If you think this is bad, wait until they throw you out or you find your possessions at the curb. That’s usually the next major step in the sad progression.