It's a mystery

By Anonymous - 04/08/2009 00:32 - United States

Today, I got my first speeding ticket. Looking it over, I was surprised to see that the officer listed my height accurately despite never having seen me standing. I complimented his uncanny ability and asked if it was part of police training. He then informed me that he read it on my license. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 052
You deserved it 61 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you idiot. Were you surprised he knew your name? or omg! were you worried he knew your address also?


Usually it pisses me off when people jump on these things and go on about how it's 'not an fml', but in this case even I am going to have to say how the hell is this an FML? You had a dumb moment and said something slightly embarrassing. Oh noes... your life is over...

Whoever moderated this is stupid as hell. This is in no way an FML - the author doesn't even convey embarrassment. Jesus, this site is getting shitty.

#2 your an idiot if you didn't notice people stop growing after maturing.

Wahaha, I was about to say something about how incredibly dumb you are. But then I saw that you're from Texas, so it's already been said...

What kind of dumbass doesn't know their height is on their license? Seriously??

Leopard68231 0

OP-you're an idiot. Im twelve and even i know that height is on a license

wow ughh thts dumb not the officer U, I can't believe my FML wasn't posted

stanzskin 0

The commission has decided that you are not intelligent enough to safely operate a motorized vehicle. Please surrender your drivers license to the proper authorities (DPS) and refrain from driving from this day forward. Additionally, you may want to consider a hysterectomy so as to "clean up" the gene pool a bit. No sense spawning any more generations of morons.

doicha27 0

how the **** is this an fml? **** this stupid ass bitch. she is stupid twice over, once for her encounter for the police officer, and another for posting this shit on fml