It's a trap!

By Ahook1 - 23/08/2010 23:31 - Australia

Today, I discovered that my infertile girlfriend, who I have been having unprotected sex with for the past two months, is apparently very fertile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 404
You deserved it 54 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

patiencek 0

well let's hope you can be a good parent if it comes to it. Good luck Op.

I agree, because everyone just loves wearing condoms for no reason. if she said she was infertile there is no reason to be wearing a condom unless one of them had an STD. so stfu and don't be such an idiot.


someone who is infertile has a 1% chance of getting pregnant. there are cases exactly like this. my English teach was infertile and she was planning to adopt when she found out she had gotten pregnant, she had been trying with her husband for SIX years. Miracles do happen. maybe if you expected a little more out of the world, you know more than just scum bags, you'd be suprised about what goes on in it.

NEVER have unprotected sex, whether she is "infertile" or not.

To everyone that asked why would you use a condom if she was infertile? SO YOU DON'T GET DISEASES! The pill is for people who don't want to get pregnant; condoms are for everyone. Why do you think there are so MANY people out here with STDs? Because idiots like you don't use condoms. Smh. Condoms are much cheaper than drugs for the rest of your life for the STDs that DONT have cures. OP, you're an idiot just like a lot of the people who commented on your FML. So when something like this happens or when you get a disease, YDI YDI YDI

Not to mention the girl could just THINK she's infertile and never had it confirmed by a dr..even if she did the dr. could be wrong, or it could be something where she probably won't have kids but there's still a chance she could. But I have a feeling she wanted a baby and figured she'd just say she couldn't have one so OP would have unprotected sex with her..

Hmm, let me see. I don't do drugs, I don't smoke (but cigarettes are drugs either), I don't drink (and so is alcohol), but I still find condoms expensive. It's like, 300 euros a year, while my pill is free. My and my boyfriend have had only sex with eachother, so no STD's (or STI's) for us. Safe sex for no money, or safe sex for 300 euros a year, I know what to choose. And that doesn't make me an idiot.

RedPillSucks 31

That works as long as you can trust your "significant other". Any breakdown and you're playing russian roulette. 300eu per year. How much does a box of condoms cost (and how much sex are you rabbits having)?

wert1996 0

OP: Perhaps she believed she was infertile, don't be to hard on her op she has to pop your baby out... i wouldn't.

lol i never wrote anywhere that she lied to me, I just said she was supposedly infertile, she was told so by her doctor years ago, and she isn't a bitch. but thanks guys

Yeah, I know a girl that was told the same thing by her doctor, and her son turns one this year (I think. Either that or two...)

gesenkat 4

Don't worry about it people are just mean and cruel, I wish you two the best.

I can't fault the OP too much for believing his girlfriend. If she hasn't known about her infertility for a long time, she may have been still emotionally struggling with the news, and that would add credibility to her claim. I'm not infertile, per se, but I can't carry a child right now without risking major damage to my body for other reasons. Those may change, though, making it possible in the future. If my body was otherwise capable of carrying a baby and I found out I was infertile, I would probably struggle a bit emotionally with not ever having the option. That's saying a lot, because I've never particularly wanted to be a mom anyway. Still, if they *really* didn't want kids, they should have used some kind of protection, since surgery is the only way to definitely stop pregnancy forever. There are LOTS of stories about supposedly infertile women getting pregnant. My mom was supposedly infertile, but she had 4 kids with no complications whatsoever. But of course, hindsight is 20/20.

JSylvestre 6

my boyfriend is sterile, but we use condoms still. no risk at having a baby. I don't want one.

#70 Agreed! My parents were about to adopt a kid (due to infertility) when my mom found out that she was pregnant with me.

antoinemartinez 0