It's funny because it's true

By screwed - 22/05/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, after a night of drinking, I woke up with some chips in my bed. I thought it was funny so I went to tell my roommate. Her response was, "That's so funny! It's a typical night out for the two of us. I wake up the next morning with a boy in my bed and you wake up with food in yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 776
You deserved it 12 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay... food can't get you preggers.

She just called herself a ****, your life is fine.


sunshyne84_fml 0
MegamiKaosu 28

she probably does with all the kinky sex

SweetestSin 4

nope #8 thats news to me haha

I agree with everyone else that says you're better off. You can get rid of ants if they decide to come after your chip crumbs... herpes, not so much.

xoxo_carween 0

you: "i woke up with little tiny chip crumbs next to me while i slept throughout the night, hahaha. :)" her: "what a SMALL world! i woke up with something next to me too!" you: "which is. . .?" her: "this boy i got from the club last night, he offered me $25. :)" you: "you think that's a little cheap. . ?" her: "not really. . have you been watching the news lately?! the economy has gone bad. :) $25 is like the new $300. :) duhh. anyways, how did the chips taste?" you: "the pringles? it's only onion flavered. . so i guess it tastes onion-y. :D how'd he taste like?" her: "ohhh, him? i've tasted better."

nah dude its cool least you wont worry about being called a *****

Boys give you STDs... Food doesn't. :)

Food can, I learned the hard way, now I have Doritoitus.......

Not all boys have stds girls do to and it is mostly derived from period that girls get.

#137 I seriously hope you are joking... Because if not, you're an idiot!