It's funny because it's true

By screwed - 22/05/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, after a night of drinking, I woke up with some chips in my bed. I thought it was funny so I went to tell my roommate. Her response was, "That's so funny! It's a typical night out for the two of us. I wake up the next morning with a boy in my bed and you wake up with food in yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 776
You deserved it 12 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay... food can't get you preggers.

She just called herself a ****, your life is fine.


rice_cake 0

I agree with #28. It kinda sounds like she's just joking. But if she's serious it's her loss. What's the point of drunken sex that you can hardly even remember with someone you don't even know? Any girl can take home a guy if they really want to. I'm sure you could too if you were a desperate ****.

@27 Just because there is food in her bed does not make her obese, and wtf at the greedy part? OP: Thank the Lord you're not a **** like her.

You people take life way too seriously. Who's not to say the girl isn't jokingly calling herself a ****? And more importantly, whats WRONG with being a ****? People like to ****, it's a simple fact. If you don't like "*****" you don't have to be one, nor do you have to be with one. So, get over your little incident and cure cancer, or obesity.

What's wrong with being a ****? What a dumb question.... Sorry hun, so many things are wrong with being a ****.

ch_kisama 0

not and happy you're not a ****

So, #29, how many girls have you slept with? Considering you're oh-so-happy to 'take advantage' of 'easy girls', I'm willing to bet you've slept with 10+. But of course that doesn't make you a ****, that makes you a stud, and there's nothing at all wrong with it because you're a maaaaaan. But girls who do that are gross. Yeah. ****.

urbwzrd 0

Just next time, call me! ;)

Tippssy 0

#38: That's because guys are bragging about how much they've earned, whereas girls would be bragging about how much they've given away. It's different. Pirates would be famous for finding tons of treasure; not by having their treasure found by everybody else. =D

Anajox 0

LOL @ everyone calling her a ****. I'd rather get laid often than be a fat girl who eats chips in bed. And no, I don't have an STD.