It's funny because it's true

By screwed - 22/05/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, after a night of drinking, I woke up with some chips in my bed. I thought it was funny so I went to tell my roommate. Her response was, "That's so funny! It's a typical night out for the two of us. I wake up the next morning with a boy in my bed and you wake up with food in yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 776
You deserved it 12 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay... food can't get you preggers.

She just called herself a ****, your life is fine.


I agree with #49. Also, I hope you washed your sheets after eating in bed :P. But really, I don't see the FML. It was either just a joke or some lame comment which you shouldn't take seriously anyway.

I will never understand how lack of sex is considered an FML. If you really wanted sex, you could go out and find sex. It's not as hard as people make it seem.

At least you'll just get a little chunky, while she'll be riddled with stds..your finee.

drumsandjazz89 0

Your roommate sounds like a bitch.

17# is hilarious, please write more : D

kitties_fml 12
krissywissy 0

chips are delicious, and maybe you had sex with a man covered in chips! those are the best kind!

liveitlearnit 0

Ugh. You're better off. Food can't knock you up, give you an STD, or whine when you don't want to watch sports.