It's funny because it's true

By screwed - 22/05/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, after a night of drinking, I woke up with some chips in my bed. I thought it was funny so I went to tell my roommate. Her response was, "That's so funny! It's a typical night out for the two of us. I wake up the next morning with a boy in my bed and you wake up with food in yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 776
You deserved it 12 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay... food can't get you preggers.

She just called herself a ****, your life is fine.


makjon86 0

#27 I smell sitcom. Think about, eh? And 42 is right on.

The morning that your roommate wakes up with herpes, you'll have the last laugh.

makjon86 0

#49 Its okay, you don't have to pretend any more. We all know you're not getting any right now. And that's fine. However, childish taunting aside, the traditional stereotype is such that the man has to earn his sex. Whereas women "give it away" because it's seen as more difficult for an average man to sleep with a semi-attractive women than the other way around. It is a stereotype, albeit untrue, but it has become a certain urban truth it you will. As for why it's unattractive for women to have all that experience, wouldn't you be wary if Apple decided to give away iPhones for 10 bucks? Don't you think there may be something wrong with them? (this is only relevent after you accept the aforementioned mindset as a truth)

F your roommate's life. I'd rather wake up with chips than with herpes.

#56 You must not have sex that often if you think that you can go "find" or "make" sex somewhere "Hi, How can I help you today?" "Yeah, I'd like one sex please." "Ok, give me a minute while I make it for you." And did anyone stop to think that it could be her roommate's boyfriend that was in the bed?

I don't get it. What's so funny about it to wake up with food in your bed?? :/ That's just ******* gross.

kellster 2

Wow. I'd say you're doing better than she is, but she just called you a pig who doesn't get laid. Find a new roommate, hon!

suaveneanderthal 0

hahaha I'm pretty sure i've met you and your roommate. i think you've got some old food under your bed cause your side of the room kinda smelled funny.

I'd rather have the chips than a random guy.